Montemedia Labs

One innovation at a time

Montemedia Labs est notre terrain de jeu de la recherche pour le prototypage rapide.
Nous développons des solutions innovantes pour perturber le statu quo, comme la création de nouveaux formats d'annonces, tracking avancé ou de ciblage dynamique (Dynamic Creative Obtimisation DCO).

Pourquoi? Parce que nous aimons les gens et nous aimons quantité de données.

C'est l'espace libre pour des développeurs en utilisant des technologies de futur - c'est un peu comme une imprimante 3D pour la publicité numérique.

Dans notre Labs, nous sommes absolument contre «pollution visuelle» et le gaspillage. C'est pourquoi nous combinons la science de l'analyse avec l'art de l'intuition.
En bref, nous utilisons big data pour des big décisions.

Vous avez une idée innovante?
N'hésitez pas à contacter notre


Imaginez ce que vous obtenez quand vous mélangez des scientifiques, développeurs et gens d'affaires travaillent sur ​​des innovations.

Montemedia Desk

Inventory & Data Management - hands on, publisher love it! Programmatic buying and selling

Premium publishers asked Montemedia for a solution to
- serve in-house ads,
- sell programmatic to agencies (Deal IDs),
- sell inventory to the highest paying buyer (on DSPs),
- control ad quality (block brands, advertiser, etc.), and
- real-time reporting (as well as for the advertiser).

We listened carefully and created the «Montemedia Desk» to satisfy the publishers' needs.

We even went two steps further and added
- a Private Ad Exchange/Marketplace, and
- a Data Management Platform (DMP) so the publisher could start collecting and segmenting their highly valuable 1st-party data.

Now, the advertisers are willing to pay higher CPM for those audience segments and premium placements = win-win.

> Publisher: Contact us now for a demo

> Advertiser: Contact us now to access premium inventory in our Private Exchange


All-in One & easy to use: Inventory Management, Direct Deals, Real-time Dashboard & Data Management Platform (DMP) for Audience Segmentation and Programmatic Selling and Buying

Montemedia C2-T2

Cookie-less Cross-Device Tracking & Targeting

Montemedia C2-T2 is a digital fingerprinting technology (so called universal device recognition or device, machine or browser fingerprint). We at Montemedia use it for educational reasons. The Montemedia C2-T2 technology relies on complex computer-driven analysis to uniquely identify a piece of device. The information collected about a remote computing device for the purpose of identification across multiple devices. The fingerprint can fully or partially identify individual devices even when cookies are deleted or turned off (that is why it is also called cookie-less tracking). The stable success rate of unique identification lies above 60% at the moment. All collected information is anonymous (non-personally identifiable information, Non-PII).

> Try out a simple demo

A paper reporting the statistical results of similar experiments: "How Unique Is Your Browser?", Proceedings of the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2010), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.


Anonymous cookie-less digital fingerprinting